3.0 Intermediate Cyclists Typical Profile 10K TT avg 16-18 MPH
This rider has the experience, judgement and decision making to safely negotiate the traffic found in complex settings such as urban environments. They have learned the general rules of the road, use hand signals, and have learned to scan ahead for upcoming situations. They can navigate sidewalks, driveways, roadways and off road surfaces. They have learned to communicate with pedestrians, other cyclists and motorists. This rider is typical of a bicycle commuter or a member in a recreational bicycle club. Most cycling averages in the 14-16 MPH range; distances covered are around 10-30 miles.
3.5 10K TT average 18-19 MPH
This rider has more experience than the 3.0 cyclist. This level has acquired the bike handling skills to avoid accidents and ride comfortably with other cyclists in a stable group situation. This rider is capable of increased speeds for short distances and often usually rides in a 16-18 MPH range.
4.0 Intermediate Cyclists Typical Profile 10 K TT average 19-20 MPH
This rider frequently comprises the bulk of recreational bicycle clubs and has some experience participating in organized cycling activities; touring, racing, or club sponsored events. This rider can comfortably handle a variety of cycling situations and weather conditions. This rider has the ability to keep a consistent cadence and ride at an even speed, usually in the 18-20 MPH range. The 4.0 rider often has an understanding of bicycle mechanics and has made a commitment to the sport in upgrading their equipment. Although this rider is capable of training to complete 62 kilometer metric rides or full centuries (100 miles).Training ride distances are usually between 20-40 miles. Most 4.0 cyclists ride several times a week during the cycling season, primarily for recreational and health benefits.
4.5 10 K TT average 20-21 MPH
The 4.5 rider has more experience and bike handling skills. The 4.5 cyclist also has greater self-knowledge of their abilities. The 4.5 rider has several years’ experience in structured group riding situations and organized cycling events. The 4.5 level has developed preferences for types of events based on their own strengths and weaknesses.
5.0 Cyclists Typical Profile 10 K TT average 21-22 MPH
This rider has developed a competitive background in cycling and has learned how to train for specific events. The 5.0 level has acquired the concentration, anticipation and bike handling skills to ride in close quarters at race speeds of 20 MPH and above. This rider can sufficiently control pedal speed to contribute to a rotating paceline. They can take turns with paceline pulls in the 22 to 24 MPH ranges. A typical profile would include membership in a competition-oriented club or team, ownership of several bicycles and structured training rides two or three times a week. This rider can handle a variety of different situations including hills, sharp turns, or challenging off-road terrain. The 5.0 cyclist is often knowledgeable and self sufficient with bike mechanics, gearing,