South Florida Contra Dances
Have Dance, Will Travel!

South Florida Dancescheck Facebook
3rd Saturday Monthly South Florida Contra Dances: The South Florida Contradance Society (SFCDS) holds holds monthly dances (on FB)
3rd saturday Monthly South Florida Contra Dances: Universalist Fellowship Hall 2601 St Andrews Blvd. Boca Raton, FL 33434
Contact Dance Organizer Liam Eagan mobile 561247-5603 561-531-5855
Callers and Bands, sign up for newsletter email
Healthy activity in an informal, family-friendly environment. Social AND fun.
Dance Instruction and Calling by Anita Mason for: Barn Dances, Hoedowns, Old Time, Contra, Mixers, Wedding Receptions,
Birthday and House Parties
Live Music by guitarist Patrick Mason aka Cornbread Dance Band PM3
Anita Mason, Caller, Bodhran
Pat Mason guitar and foot bass, live melodies
Fiddlers and musical guests welcome
Traditional and modern uptempo reels, jigs and waltzs will get you moving
or....--Book your own dance at the Hollywood Women's Club
Original 1927 wood dance floor
Directions To Hollywood WC Dance:
address 501 North 14th Ave, Hollywood Fl 33020
Off I-95 From Boca Take Sheridan St Exit eastbound, turn right/south to US 1
US 1 to Johnson St light Go East on Johnson to 14th Ave, Right on 14th
From Miami Take Hollywood Blvd Exit eastbound to US 1, go around circle 3/4 to US 1 North
US 1 to Johnson St light Go East on Johnson to 14th Ave, Right on 14th
(Note: only smooth soled, non-marking dance shoes may be worn
to maintain the 1927 floor. No street shoes please.)
other Dance Venues Available for Parties:
Star Ballroom 2305-2309 E Atlantic Blvd
Pompano Beach FL 33062 954-782-7760 visit
more info: Jody Dancer at Star Ballroom 954-383-9667
Get 20 friends to RSVP and set a date!
Miami Folk Dance Info
Contra Dance in Miami
or, Put together your own dance party-we need at least 20 people
available 3-6 pm Sunday afternoons--
John Martin's Irish Pub and Restaurant in Coral Gables
if you can put a party together, we'll be there
253 Miracle Mile Coral Gables FL 33134
Check out Public Radio's WLRN Feature on our 2016 summer Miami Beach bandshell 4-dance dances:
Ongoing dances are insured put on by the non-profit SF Contradance Society (SFCDSS) and the National Country Dance and Song Society. Volunteers hours are available for students.
If you want to carpool to Contradances, use "RIDES" list at
Singles, there is a meetup group all types of dances(Irish, Folk) across Florida all types of dances and venues dancing in south Miami/Dade
For singles, all types of dancing
Hey MUSICIANS We want to build our numbers of contra dance players. If you are an accomplished musician and familiar with contradance music, please contact Pat at or 954-431-0690. We have sheet music and can help you learn the style. Our goal is to get enough players to have back-up players to fill in for seasonal vacancies in our local dances. The dance must go on!
Heard on NPR's All Things Considered:"Youth Flock to Contradancing" July 2, 2010 by Marika Partridge
If you have related websites, let us know and we will add them.
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